April 12, 2021

Welcome! We are asking you to complete this survey so we can understand the 2020 grape growing season in Minnesota. This is an extension of last year's work. You can read about the results here.

You are a critical member of Minnesota's grape growing industry and we need to hear from you!&

This survey is voluntary. Your answers will be confidential and anonymous. There will be no method for tying an individual response to an individual person. Only Extension will have access to the full responses. Published reports will only contain summary information.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Matt Clark, Assistant Professor, Grape Breeding and Enology, at [email protected].

We anticipate the survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete, depending on the number of grape varieties you grow. 

You can leave the survey and return at any time (assuming you come back using the same computer and/or device).

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